An acronym for Adoration, Community, Theology and Service, ACTS is a three-day, two-night retreat sponsored by trained fellow parishioners. The retreat is geared towards stirring up your spirituality and bringing you closer to God. There is a retreat for men and one for women. Please refer to the bulletin for more information.
Wendy Harris 314-565-9780
Steve Charleville 314-541-6676
This program brings a deeper understanding of our Catholic faith to individuals. Currently, there are two sessions, one in the Fall and another in the Spring. Our group meets on Tuesday afternoons at 12:30 p.m. in the rectory meeting room and Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the rectory meeting room. Please refer to the bulletin for more information.
Mary Brown 636-937-6834
Altar servers are a group of young men and women who share a special liturgical ministry of service and full participation in the liturgical celebrations to which they are assigned. After completing server training, they are scheduled for weekend and holy day Masses and other special liturgies. Servers with more experience are trained to serve funerals and weddings.
Margot Huber 636-937-5513
The Archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal has a direct and powerful impact on parishes, schools, and agencies providing educational opportunities and care for others through the many outreach programs and projects in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. The Annual Catholic Appeal is held in the spring of each year.
Parish Office 636-937-5513
Children’s Liturgy of the Word gathers young children, ages 4 to 11, for an age-appropriate experience of sacred scripture.
CLOW is offered during the Sunday 9:00 Mass on most weekends throughout the year. We sing and hear God’s word in a joyful environment for children.
Diana Parker at 636-937-5513 or email her at
Our Lady Choir ministry welcomes all voices and musicians. We need you. It is not about performing; it is about using music to facilitate prayer. All voices are welcome. Help our parish “make a joyful noise to the Lord.” The adult choir meets every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the church. If you are unable to commit to the choir schedule, we are always looking for cantors to sing at weekend Masses.
Amanda Bartosch 314-452-5669
Eucharistic Adoration is time spent with our Lord Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist is exposed in a monstrance for adoration and worship in our church every Tuesday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 10pm. Please prayerfully consider spending an hour each week here in prayer.
Parish Office 636-937-5513
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers are trained and commissioned to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during the Communion Rite of the Mass. Ministers must be attending weekly Mass, practicing their faith and be able to receive the Eucharist.
Fr. Micheal Boehm 636-937-5513
Parish Office 636-937-5513
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at all Saturday/Sunday and weekday Masses celebrated at Our Lady Parish. Any parishioner, high school age or older, is welcome to join.
Parish Office 636-937-5513
This group is responsible for the physical environment of the Church. This includes decorating the church for the various seasons of the Liturgical year and for special celebrations.
Jill Witte 636-937-8283
This group counts weekend and Holy Day collections.
Judy Williams 636-937-8283
The Prayer Shawl Ministry began in November 2006 and is a group of volunteers who crochet, knit or sew shoulder wraps (shawls) or lap coverings (blankets) to present to people who are in need of prayers. This could include someone who is sick, disabled, troubled, recovering from an operation, pregnant, a student going away to college, a family member in the military or someone who has recently experienced the death of a loved one…the list goes on. Each volunteer makes her creation while praying for the recipient and all past recipients of our prayer shawls. Father Greg, or one of the deacons, blesses the shawls/blankets once a month during one of our weekend Masses. In addition, 12 Masses per year are offered for all the prayer shawl recipients. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. in the church basement. The meeting is designed to bring all these beautiful creations together to prepare them for blessing and to choose more yarn which has been donated or purchased with monetary contributions from generous donors. All shawls/blankets are free to whomever is in need of them.
Chris Burton 314-603-0047
In September 2003, the Archdiocese of St. Louis initiated a new safe environment program. It requires all individuals (including employees, volunteers, priests, and deacons) working in a parish, school,or agency of the diocese who have contact with minors to comply with specific requirements. Requirements can be completed by registering online at The registration passcode is "stlprotect." The requirements are:
1. Submit a new background check
2. Complete a Protecting God's Children Workshop
3. Complete online video training videos
4. Sign the Code of Conduct
If you do not have access to a computer to complete these requirements, please get in touch with the parish office.
Diana Parker 636-937-5513
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, formerly the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is designed for non-Catholic adults interested in learning more about our Catholic faith or Catholic adults who have not yet received all of the Sacraments. The program covers basic Catholic beliefs about the Bible, church law, the Commandments, Sacraments, Saints, church history and what it means to be Catholic. It is presented by priests, deacons and lay persons.
Ruth Ann Adams 314-614-7985
rEcess is a respite care evening for families who have a child/children with a disability. rEcess takes place the first Friday of the month (February - May and September-December) in our church basement. The parents drop off all of their children for a fun evening of games, activities, special programs, and a movie. rEcess allows parents to enjoy an evening for themselves. Many volunteers ages 14 and older are needed to supervise and play with the children. No experience is necessary.
Mary Roth 314-808-5403
Founded in 1833, the Society was established to live the Gospel values first emulated by our Patron, St. Vincent de Paul. It is a Catholic organization whose mission is to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are suffering and in need. Working with other Conferences, the St. Louis Council of St. Vincent de Paul and other service agencies, our members conduct home visits to pray with people and assist them with rental assistance, utilities, food, clothing, furniture, pharmacy needs and more. The work of St. Vincent de Paul is supported by the generosity of our parishioners, other agencies and businesses in our local community. We always welcome volunteers who are interested in joining our ministry. The Society meets on the first Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the school design center. Please call the Parish office if you are interested.
Susan Altnether 314-304-2647
Ushers are men and women, high school age or older, who greet and welcome parishioners and visitors. We assist those who need help finding a seat. Ushers are responsible for passing the collection baskets and assigning gift bearers. We also distribute bulletins after Mass.
Parish Office 636-937-5513
Totus Tuus is a week-long summer program. The goal is to teach young catholics about God’s great love for all of us. There is a grade school program and and a middle/high school program. More details will be placed in the bulletin beginning in the spring.
To learn more check out the Archdiocese of St. Louis Video;